martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

"Aleida March Torres & Ernesto Che Guevara": Che: Profile of a Revolutionary

Che: Profile of a Revolutionary " I consider...

Aleida March

13 de septiembre de 2011 12:01

Che: Profile of a Revolutionary

" I consider that I have a mission to accomplish in this world, for the sake of which I must sacrifice everything, everday pleasures, a home, personal security and maybe my own life. This is my commitment and I can never be free of it as long as I live.

I was born in Argentina. But permit me to point out that Martí and Fidel are Latin Americans. My cultural substratum is Argentine but, at the same time, I feel as Cuban as anybody else. I feel the suffering of any country of the Americas and elsewhere in the world as well."

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