Time Magazine Highlights Cuban Medical Cooperation to Fight Ebola
ACN, Havana, Cuba, 8 November 2014
A recent article published by Time magazine acknowledges that Cuban medical internationalism is a national priority on the island and that this is why Cuba is singularly prepared to fight the Ebola fever virus epidemic.
Cuban medical international volunteers
The article, published this week on the Web site of the influencing U.S. magazine under the title Why Cuba Is So Good at Fighting Ebola? points out: "as the first nation to dedicate hundreds of health care workers to West Africa, Cuba is an unlikely hero in the Ebola outbreak," adding that "in spite of not being among the wealthiest countries, Cuba is one of the most committed when it comes to deploying doctors to crisis zones," the Prensa Latina news agency reported on Saturday.
Signed by journalist Alexandra Sifferlin, the article referring to the island continues: It has offered more than 460 Cuban doctors and nurses to West Africa, and currently, 165 are working there under the direction of the World Health Organization (WHO).
"More than 50,000 health care workers from Cuba are working in 66 countries around the world," underlines Time.
Cuba's global health crisis response system is a Doctors without Borders-like program, but instituted by the government, stresses Sifferlin.
"When Cuban doctors graduate medical school, they are given the opportunity to volunteer to be called upon for medical missions, like an Ebola outbreak or a natural catastrophe," points out the U.S. publication.
Time recalls that "more than 23,000 physicians from low-income communities in 83 countries (even the U.S.) have graduated from ELAM (Havana's Latin American Medical School) and nearly 10,000 are currently enrolled."
The magazine, printed in several languages and circulating since 1923, acknowledges that Cuba, by way of its medical services around the world, gains international goodwill and cooperation between countries."
Time highlights that "at the very least, the Cuban model has a message for the international community: that local people can work for the greater health of their homelands and that constant preparation is more sustainable than being caught off-guard."
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