De: David Bayer []
Enviado el: domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014 01:16 p.m.
Para: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Asunto: Transgenicos contra la Salud Publica : el Estudio mas importante hasta la fecha
Amigas y Amigos:
Por favor circula la informacion.
Por favor, he juntado un nuevo estudio recibido hoy dia sobre la correlation entre GMOs (GE = OMG) y 22 enfermedades . El informe tiene 18 cuadros (charts).
Recomiendo que todas y todos lean cuidadosamente este estudio, cada uno de los 18 cuadros .
Por favor, envia este correo a todos sus contactos, amigos y familia.
Nosotros podemos ganar o perder esta batalla contra los GMOs. Depende en su participacion y coraje.
El Congresita Eduardo Cabrera Ganoza quiere derogar la Moratoria en el Peru. Los Fujimoristas quieren derogar la Moratoria. Tienen mucha gente que les respaldan. Con el alto nivel de corrupcion en el Peru, donde Monsanto esta "aprendiendo" como colocar los "sobornos" dentro esta estructura politica, como ha practicado en todo el mundo, podemos anticipar lo peor: una nueva votacion y manipulacion para derogar la Moratoria contra los transgenicos.
Parte del "soborno" de Monsanto es gastar millones y millones de dolares en propaganda mentirosa a favor de los transgenicos en los "medios de comunicacion" como ha hecho en los EEUU para derrotar todas las iniciativas para poner la Etiqueta de Transgenicos en los alimentos vendidos a los consumidores. Los "sobornados" en este caso son los mismos MEDIOS DE COMUNICACION (periodicos y canales de television) que difunden estas mentiras sabiendo que la mayor parte de la poblacion no tiene acceso a informacion alternativa. En este sentido los Medios participan con los funcionarios publicos y Congresistas en el crimen de promover alimentos sumamente probados como peligrosos para la Salud Publica. Mas importa el dinero que la VERDAD.
Muchos de Uds. tenian dudas sobre mi insistencia que los GMOs son peligrosos para la Salud Publica, la salud humana, la salud animal, y la salud vegetal. El estudio adjunto prueba en forma contundente que tengo la razon. Pero esta meta para parar la entrada de los transgenicos en el Peru no es para complacer David Bayer: es para proteger la salud publica del Peru y su gran biodiversidad.
La respuesta que "no podemos con grandes empresas como Monsanto" es falsa y representa un derrotismo inaceptable.
Juntos podemos derrotar a Monsanto y sus seguidores. Pero tenemos que actuar y no sentarnos pensando que la Moratoria es garantizada.
Necesitamos estar en los "medios de comunicacion" , presentar los "foros", etc.
Yo necesita su ayuda para presentar la informacion sobre los transgenicos en los medios como Radio Programas del Peru (RPP).
GMO Food
It's Worse Than We Thought
By S.A. Nickerson
Over the last decade, as genetically modified, or GMO, foods have increasingly taken over our food supply, we've been learning more about their dangers to our health.
Now, one courageous doctor is pointing to mounting evidence that leaves no doubt — GMO foods are even worse than we were told.
As this respected doctor points out in a riveting new presentation, no long-term human studies have ever supported GMO safety. Shockingly, the World Health Organization only requires a mere 90 days of testing to claim that GMOs are safe. Well, no one dies from smoking cigarettes within 90 days of starting to smoke, either!
Yet while lifetime studies still have not been done on humans, scientists have done these studies on animals — and what they found is stunning. Lab mice fed just a 33 percent GMO diet begin developing aggressive cancers (particularly breast cancer), liver failure, and kidney failure.
Shockingly, 50 percent of the males and 70 percent of the female animals on the GMO diet succumbed to early death at an age equivalent to 40 to 50 human years.
While more people have begun to fight back against GMOs, the big GMO companies spend millions of dollars to defeat laws that would require GMO labeling. Quite simply, these big companies know that GMO crops are cheaper to grow, and therefore more profitable.
In the meantime, many health experts now warn us to take the only positive action available to protect our health — avoiding GMOs as much as humanly possible. But considering the fact that GMOs are hidden in over 30,000 food products, that is not an easy task.
Fortunately, one courageous doctor has stepped up to the plate. Dr. Russell Blaylock, one of America's leading medical researchers and nutritionists, has created a special free video presentation that explains the hidden health hazards of GMOs. Dr. Blaylock will show you how to protect your family from GMOs and their dangers — aisle by aisle at the grocery store.
And those stickers pasted onto fruits and vegetables? Using real examples, you'll learn a simple way to tell the difference between GMO produce that may also be packed with harmful pesticides and herbicides, and produce that is safe and natural.
Dr. Blaylock's new video presentation exposes how GMO ingredients and other harmful additives are hidden on labels under safe-sounding names. In fact, you'll see some of the actual labels and find out what to watch for.
Travis Davis, health publisher at Newsmax, previewed Dr. Blaylock's presentation for our readers and reports: "GMOs enter your body through thousands of packaged and canned food products, through fresh produce, and through the meat, chicken, and fish you eat. The expert help Dr. Blaylock offers in this video reveals everything you need to know to avoid GMOs at the grocery store as well as restaurants."
Since the introduction of GMO foods, many cancers and other diseases have skyrocketed in humans. Can this really be a coincidence? Please use the information available in this online educational presentation, Cracking the GMO Code, to help protect your own health — and the health of your family.
Renowned former neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., left conventional medicine after decades of practice to concentrate on nutrition and disease prevention. He is the author of several health books and medical editor of The Blaylock Wellness Report.
Editor's Note: This video blows the lid off the GMO controversy and exposes little-known dangers. Plus, you'll see exactly how to avoid GMOs in their many hidden forms, in grocery stores and in restaurants. Click here to view Cracking the GMO Code right now.
David Bayer
P.O. BOX 139, Ica, Peru
Tel: 51-56-506073 + (51) 956-099121
Lo siguiente es lo que recomendo una colega como "una estrategia de difusion":
Sería posible que el Colegio de Ingenieros, el Capitulo de Ingenieros Agrónomos, el APIA, el Colegio de Biologos y otras entidades como el Colegio Medico que tienen la intelectual capacidad de emitir sus opiniones puedan elaborar y publicar uno o varios artículos en El Comercio, La República, Correo, Expresom etc. o que convoquen a un conversatorio público.
Se podria solicitar una audiencia con la Presidenta del Congreso y hacer un exposición en la Sala Raúl Porrras, que ante fue la sede del Senado?
Podrían hablar con FRANCISCO MIRO QUESADA CANTUARIAS, que fué Director de El Comercio y organizar una ""audiencia"" para tratar el tema de la amenaza de los transgénicos, no solo a la biodiversidad peruana, sino principalmente a la salud?
Es un caso que no puede ser tratado solamente entre poquísimas personas via Mails o tomando un café.
Mas Prueba que la comida GMO en los EEUU no es saludable:
Commonwealth Fund Study: Older Americans are Sicker than Counterparts Abroad
A survey of people 65-and-older in 11 countries finds that U.S. older adults are sicker than their counterparts abroad, as well as the most likely to have problems paying their medical bills and getting needed health care. According to the Commonwealth Fund, U.S. adults also reported difficulty getting care in a timely fashion and using emergency departments for issues that a primary care physician could treat. Among the bright spots for the United States: having a care plan for chronic illness, and planning for end-of-life care. More at
"It's further proof of a story we've heard before," said Ruben Burks, Secretary-Treasurer of the Alliance. "Americans spend a fortune on health care, but the results don't always show it."
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