De: [] En nombre de Evalejandra Chavez, SOA Watch
Enviado el: martes, 18 de agosto de 2015 12:09 p.m.
Asunto: Greetings from SOA Watch in Mexico!
Dear Eladio ,
My name is Evalejandra Chavez, and for the next six months I will be an the SOA Watch activante in México, a country in which the U.S. has, through the Merida Initiative, financed, trained, and funded the military, police, and other special forces under the false discourse of a war on drugs. However, years have passed and the militarization hasn't accomplished its stated purpose but has instead trapped us in a nightmare where forced disappearances, executions, and torture by "security" forces has become the norm. The war is in reality not against drugs but against the Mexican people, especially social movements or any kind of resistance to the neoliberal reforms being imposed. Organized communities that stand up for their land, their resources, their dignity, their integrity, and true security are under attack. I recently had the opportunity to join the SOA Watch delegation to Mexico, where we traveled to Chiapas and Guerrero, witnessing the human costs of the US-backed militarization.
As the SOA Watch movement, we must celebrate and be in solidarity with those creating alternatives to militarization, such as the community police forces in many Indigenous and rural Mexican communities. The community police are a successful alternative security model based on traditional community values and they have proven that they can maintain a safe community without military intervention. Morevoer, they have proven that militarization doesn't work and is in fact, all too often linked to organized crime and a threat to organized communities. Because they don't allow organized crime and drug cartels, which are many times linked to the government, the community police are persecuted and repressed. General Gurrola, the head of security in Michoacan and a graduate of the Ft. Benning Infantry School, publicly declared zero tolerance against community police. The same day, the military captured a leader of the community police and hours later opened fire on unarmed civilians, murdering a child and injuring several others. As part of my activantia with SOA Watch, we are creating an It is time to unite our efforts because we are living in a state of emergency in Mexico. If we don't do anything to stop the Merida Iniative, the horror will continue. It is unbearable. I look forward to working together and it is a great honor to be part of the SOA Watch movement as we seek to stop the massacres, disappearances, and murders of the Mexican people -- and all people -- under the false rationale of the drug war. Stay updated at as I post articles, alerts, and more. I would also love to be in contact with you to share ideas or talk about how we can work together. Feel free to be in touch with me on Facebook, Twitter, or via e-mail at Evalejandra @ For a hemisphere free from militarization! Contra el olvido y la impunidad, por la memoria y resistencia. Evalejandra |
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