Three days after hurricane Gustav hit Cuba, the news coming out of the western region is dramatic, devastating and urgent. Tens of thousands of people are without the most basic means of survival, while we, Cuban-Americans who proclaims to respect the Independence and Sovereignty of that nation, are submerged in an endless diatribe, while men, women and children suffer severe and unnecessary needs.
I am therefore making a profound appeal for unity to all men without social distinction, race, creed or sex, to unite our efforts, ignore past postures or antagonistic affiliations, by extending a helping and solidarity hand to our brothers that are suffering in Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic.
No decision or action that we may assume, should have any discriminatory character, sectarian of preferential treatment, which would only aggravate the present tragic situation. Neither must we dilute ourselves attempting to invent the wheel or ice water.
For years, people of all ethnic groups and social stratifications in the United States and beyond, have supported the Caribbean American Children Foundation in our efforts to mitigate the material needs of our people. We learned to beg, accept donations, package, and ship and verify its use.
Together, we can turn a child tears into a smile. Suffice to overcome our bashfulness, courage and dignity, for some of us to begin to collect material goods, others money, still others lending their shipping license and together, without names or divisive titles, let's ship massive amounts of donations with no strings attached, to defenseless victims of these endless natural disasters.
Alberto Nelson Jones