martes, 3 de agosto de 2010

shame on you Obama give the prize back you´re not a man of peace from Argentine toto.


De: Toronto Forum on Cuba []
Enviado el: Viernes, 30 de Julio de 2010 07:09 p.m.
Asunto: URGENT ACTION! - ¡ACCIÓN URGENTE! RE: Gerardo Hernández


 ~La versión en español sigue la versión en inglés~


For Over a Week, Gerardo Hernández Nordelo Has Been Held in the Hole at Victorville Prison Without Committing Any Infraction


Once Again the US government has imposed another cruel punishment against Gerardo Hernandez, one of the Cuban 5 imprisoned in the US for fighting against terrorism.


On July 21st, without committing any infraction, Gerardo was taken to the hole.  The hole is an inhumane windowless space of 7 x 3 feet reserved for prisoners who the prison authorities, for whatever reason, want to isolate.  


Gerardo is sharing this small space with another prisoner and there is very little ventilation because the air comes from just a small vent on the top of a wall.  Temperatures in Victorville are running as high as 105 degrees now and in the space of this tiny cell it is around 95 degrees.  He is not allowed to take a shower and is being taken outside in a cage only one hour every other day.  Gerardo has been seen by his sister Isabel through a glass with a phone.


Although Gerardo is still young, 12 years of living in high security penitentiaries is taking its toll and recently Gerardo began experiencing some health issues including high blood pressure.  In April he requested a medical appointment and finally on July 20, three months later, he was seen by a doctor.  Currently there is a bacterium that is circulating through the prison with some of those cases being serious.  The doctor had prescribed a blood test for Gerardo but instead of receiving that, he was abruptly taken to the hole the next day. 


This new harassment against Gerardo takes place at a critical time when he is preparing his Habeas Corpus presented to the courts in June.  


It is alarming that this is the third time that Gerardo has found himself in the hole while preparing for an appeal.


The violations against Gerardo are endless and this has to stop IMMEDIATELY. During 12 years he has been denied the basic right of receiving visits from his wife Adriana.  Gerardo, like his four brothers, is innocent and the Government of the United States knows very well that his only crime was to defend his country against terrorist attacks that were being planned and carried out from the United States .


Instead of freeing them and sending them back to their homeland and their families, as has been demanded by the Cuban people, 10 Nobel Prize winners, scholars, intellectuals, human rights activists and thousands of people from all over the world, the Obama Administration has picked up where Bush left off and it continues to punish Gerardo at every turn. 


Along with the Cuban people and the international community, we hold the US government responsible for Gerardo's life and physical integrity.


It is very important for every supporter of the Cuban Five and all justice loving people who receive this message to call, fax, mail or e-mail immediately to the numbers and addresses below to demand that Gerardo:


must be returned IMMEDIATELY to the general prison population

must be provided with IMMEDIATE URGENT medical attention

be allowed to receive visits by his wife Adriana Pérez

be given space and respect as he prepares for his appeals.


Here are is the contact information:


US State Department

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

2201 C Street, NW

Washington, DC 20520

Phone Number: 1-202-647-4000

Fax Number: 1-202-647-2283     


Federal Bureau of Prisons

Director Harley G. Lappin

320 First St., NW ,

Washington, DC  20534

Phone Number: 202-307-3198.



President Barack Obama

White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW

Washington, DC 20500

Phone Number: 202-456-1111

Fax Number: 202-456-2461.



US Justice Department

Attorney General Eric Holder

U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001

Phone Number: 202-514-2000

Comment Line: 202-353-1555



Direction of the USP Victorville

13777 Airexpressway Blvd

Victorville,CA 92394

Phone:  760-530-5000

Fax:  760-530-5103


Send emails to the Directory of the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Warden of Victorville Prison by filling out THIS ONLINE FORM


Write a note to Gerardo for emotional support (even though they are not giving him his mail for now, the accumulated volume of letters will have an impact):


Gerardo Hernández

# 58739 – 004

US Penitentiary Victorville

PO Box 5300

Adelanto, CA 92301

Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo està nuevamente en una celda de confinamiento, el tristemente famoso « hueco », desde el 21 de julio pasado


Todos los intentos de contacto con las autoridades de la cárcel por las autoridades cubanas se han revelado vanas hasta ahora. Es lo que reveló Ricardo Alarcón, el presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Cuba, este 28 de julio.


No es la primera vez que Gerardo se encuentra en el hueco.  Nunca por problemas de disciplina. Siempre cuando se prepara un tramite judicial. Hoy, es la preparación del Habeas Corpus que resulta dificultada ya que no puede comunicarse con sus abogados... No puede ni escribirles, ni siquiera llamarlos al teléfono. Su hermana Isabel que pudo visitarle cuenta que llegó encadenado de pies y manos, y que sólo le pudo hablar detrás de un cristal, condiciones impuestas a los presos "castigados".


Esas maniobras de la fiscalía yanqui – porque la decisión no viene de las autoridades de la prisión- son inaceptables. Constituyen un golpe intolerable y escandaloso contra los derechos de la defensa y contra el derecho de Gerardo a una justicia imparcial.


Hay más.


Primero, las condiciones de encierro.


Gerardo está encerrado las 24 horas del día en una celda de 2x1 metros, una celda que comparte con otro preso. La aeración se hace por un pequeño orificio en lo alto de una pared de la celda. La temperatura alcanza los 35° C, pues la prisión de Adelanto está en una zona semi-desértica de California, lejos de los encantos de la costa californiana. Son "condiciones de vida" insostenibles.


Y eso que, desde abril, Gerardo tiene problemas de salud. No los evoca para no inquietar a los amigos. Pero padece hipertensión, lo que, dadas las circunstancias y el entorno traumatizante, no resulta nada sorprendente. Y además una porquería que lo afecta desde abril, una de esas bacterias que afectan periódicamente el espacio cerrado de las cárceles. Es para sanar esa afección que había solicitado hora con el servicio medical. Pudo finalmente encontrar al médico el 20 de julio.  Al día siguiente, llevaban a Gerardo al hueco, por lo que las necesarias análisis no se le hicieron y no se le pudo dar un tratamiento...


El gobierno americano  se ha últimamente inquietado mucho por la salud de unos supuestos disidentes cubanos, atendidos por médicos calificados... ¿Cómo justificará su actitud para con Gerardo Hernández?


El doble lenguaje de los EEUU sólo es la más abyecta hipocresía.


No podemos tolerar que Gerardo sea la víctima del odio compulsivo de Estados Unidos contra Cuba.


A nosotros nos toca exigir de las autoridades norteamericanas que Gerardo salga de esa celda de castigo. Tenemos la fuerza de presión de la Solidaridad  Internacional y nuestra determinación. Hemos de decir al gobierno de los Estados Unidos y a las autoridades  penitenciarias de Adelanto que no los dejaremos en paz mientras tratan a Gerardo tan indignamente.




Envia correos electrónicos directamente al  Directory of the Federal Bureau of Prisons y al Warden of Victorville Prison completando  ESTE FORMULARIO


Envia una cartita a Gerardo para apoyarle (aunque no le den su correo por ahora, la acumulación de cartas impactará):


Gerardo Hernández

# 58739 – 004

US Penitentiary Victorville

PO Box 5300

Adelanto, CA 92301


Alarcón: USA Responsible for Health of Cuban Anti-Terrorist

Alarcón responsabiliza a EE.UU. con salud de antiterrorista cubano


Morning Star: Political victims


International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 5

Annie Arroyo, France-Cuba, Kubako Etxea

National Committee to Free the Cuban Five