miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

Torture by hunger United States against Cuba during fifty years criminal blockade is a sin give back Guantanamo to the cubans and Malvinas to Argentina Chaubloqueo Che Guevara´s museum



Permanent Mission to the United Nations

315 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016


Press release

The blockade affects the right to food of the Cuban people


New York, September 25, 2018. The effects of the US blockade registered by the Cuban sectors of the Food Industry and Agriculture, between April 2017 and March 2018, amount to 413,793,100 dollars, which meant an increase of 66,195,100 dollars with respect to previous periods.

If the Livestock Business Group of Cuba could have access to US technologies for pig farming, meat production in the country would increase by 2,050 tons, while the lost income would have facilitated reinvestment and the creation of a solid infrastructure in the food sector, especially taking into account the difficulties of the main sectors of the Cuban economy to have access to external financing due to the policy of the blockade.

The Cuban government has had to make great efforts to achieve the results attained in terms of food security, which have been recognized by specialized agencies of the United Nations System, such as UNICEF, which in a recently published report considered Cuba the only country in Latin America and the Caribbean that is free of severe child malnutrition.

In order to preserve these achievements, despite the limitations imposed by the blockade, one of the guiding principles of Cuba's National Social and Economic Development Plan until the year 2030 is to achieve levels of agricultural production and marketing that guarantee a high degree of food self-sufficiency.

Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations



Links con entrevistas y video sobre el museo.     España nos entrevistó http://www.elmundo.es/f5/comparte/2017/10/08/59da50d6ca4741eb708b467f.html 

Tania la argentina que murió en la guerrilla del Che   https://youtu.be/mgtVfWNyGAA  Cubanos resucitan a guerrillera argentina del Che en Bolivia.  Quien quiera el libro "Huellas de Tania" y/ó  los  dos  DVD´s con 5 episodios c/uno, puede adquirirlos en el museo. También ofrecemos “La Historia del Che Guevara” de Lucía Alvarez de Toledo y  “Malvinas 2014” de Mario Silva Arriola, ambos “excelentes” pero no se ofertan en ninguna librería lamentablemente.  

¿Quién era el ídolo del Che Guevara? https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fattribution_link%3Fa%3DQ2lOMSNthI4%26u%3D%252Fwatch%253Fv%253DBYNhMnLt0F0%2526feature%253Dshare&h=ATO8rd0hgrudj97OoAi6n1xk872pGAnNhY5ohMovkOwpmCz0kqE9ZUh3ARnPNzoVek8Ar8MF83vkKdxWV1w-yjqmtxMBuWMh83wnWAxn-j_qnLHvgg2bk8sJweESoj6VufgZrPzc3k8u3KHq-ZpiQc16qzJhfKF8-35ULgjpdRdZanyP8j_abXbnQqgMLoFFM0LIsHUuZMyXdnvh2wYTaQdYVZTH1xWoVO1yUVAcNfAJ-K2nf8vBU5SDez26aZFDi4ORA0cwShv5HXh7ZOb33_ulVgiUoMa9Mr8idRd-ycyU

La revolución en Argentina que quiso el Che    Museo Ernesto Che Guevara Primer Museo Suramericano en Buenos Aires CABA Argentina 


Argentina: El Che lives on! Get lost in Buenos Aires ...


Izquierdista entusiasta, y compañero revolucionario Eladio Gonzalez muestra el contenido de su afamado museo Che Guevara en Caballito, Buenos Aires..




informó el Museo “ ERNESTO CHE GUEVARA ” de Caballito, CABA

calle Rojas 129, esq. Yerbal, Buenos Aires  (AAC 1405) Argentina

Visitar lunes a viernes de 10 a 19 hs. (corrido) – entrada libre y gratuita

Escuela de Solidaridad con Cuba  “ CHAUBLOQUEO ”

Registro donantes voluntarios de Células Madre  (INCUCAI)

Coordinador ex Mesa Vecinal Participativa en Seguridad de Caballito

Tel.  5 3540744   5 3720744  Irene Rosa Perpiñal  -  Eladio González (Toto)  

email -  museocheguevara@fibertel.com.ar      

Blog museo   http://museocheguevaraargentina.blogspot.com/  

accidentes  -  http://nomuertesevitables.blogspot.com  protege hijos y nietos, aportá ideas y experiencias.

Facebook    https://www.facebook.com/museoernestocheguevara/# 

ó     https://www.facebook.com/eladio.gonzalez.376

Lea libro Cuba Existe, es Socialista y No está en Coma del Arq. Rodolfo Livingston en http://estudiolivingston.com.ar/libros/cubaexiste.php  y emocionate.

En Sao Paulo Brasil  http://museuvirtualcheguevara.blogspot.com.br/"

Tango nuestro baile  https://www.facebook.com/manuel.gonzalezmeg?hc_ref=NEWSFEED

¡ Salven a los argentinos !.....  “las ballenas”.    

Las Islas Malvinas fueron, son y serán siempre ARGENTINAS.  

Guantánamo es cubano ¡ fuera los norteamericanos de allí,  invasores colonialistas como los ingleses que usurpan el Peñón de Gibraltar!.




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