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Herod: is it just fiction?
Danilo Sanchez Lihon
A translation done in honor of the life witness of
Liz McAlister, and the blessed memories of Phil Berrigan
and Rev. Maurice McCrackin. Of Jonah House.
The worst thing bad people do is
to make us doubt good people
Jacinto Benavente
1. If you allow me
Just remembering that each 5 seconds a child dies in the world due just to hunger, without considering the many violent deaths, is enough to grasp the present world situation.
Is that not atrocious? To die of hunger is the same as death from abandonment, from isolation and human cruelty. Thus, 12 children die this way every minute.
If you, kind reader, allow me, I will illustrate it with an objective, neutral calculus of rough statistics, with the following results:
In the time we take to have a seemingly peaceful breakfast, lasting 15 minutes, in that brief interval, perhaps very near where we live, or in the outskirts of the village where you or I live: 180 children have succumbed to hunger, which is a ferocious death, unworthy for the human species:
A death caused by hunger! And this is not fiction from a horror story. The Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO, and the United Nations Children Fund, UNICEF, agree with this data.
2. Nothing more beautiful
And the worst is that this phenomenon does not cease, it is occurring at this very instant.
Yet there are those who defend this order and model, people who claim to be honest, decent and even peace loving individuals.
The death of these children is slow, monotonous and bitter, linked to illnesses and diseases with horrifying pain, which does not mean that they cannot be violent deaths.
These are painful deaths. 180 children have died in this brief interval that I am sharing with you. Nor can we console ourselves with the fact that the deaths have already occurred, because there is a long, endless line of children who are only waiting to die.
Could it be then that Herod and The Day of The Innocents is perhaps just a myth? No. The same, or eve worse slaughter, occurs in our time and in front of our very eyes.
3. The defenseless cry
Nothing in the universe is more beautiful, sublime and moral than a happy, smiling child.
Thus the appearance of new Herods, and the succession of these deadly interlopers, are not part of the plan of life.
They are interlopers! They are aberrations and specters that must be eliminated.
Just as nothing is more sublime than a happy child, nothing is more horrendous, terrifying and scandalous than a suffering child.
What is going on now is unmatched even by the cries of the defenseless children slaughtered by Herod of old Judea.
And the victims of that miscreant, curiously called "Herod The Great", whom we honor by considering him a model for the present society, no longer cause scandal.
4. And if it is so...
Herod inspired this liberal democracy, that resembles a horror novel, but still has its defenders.
If you copied and reproduced the strange soul and sinister core of Herod I, called The Great, the father of that other monstrosity, Herod Antipas, before whom Jesus of Nazareth was taken to be condemned, it would replicate the prevailing system.
There are reasons for this system. The rationale of greatest weight and gravity is who it benefits. With this model the beneficiaries sell more and reap abundant earnings and flattery that is ever greater but never satiates their enormous egos.
But for the children who are dying at this moment, the cries of their mothers to free them from this destiny cannot help.
And for some, the fate is even worse: they have no mothers! Their mothers faded away. The system eliminated them. Or else the system gave them television screens, or whatever, in their lives, instead of mothers.
5. Only because of hunger
But the sun, the moon and the stars, like the dawn, are innocent, they give us the eternal message of hope. And they urge us to act.
Meanwhile children are born who are guilty of nothing, but victims of everything.
Those children have nothing to do with infamy, but on them fall all curses and calamities. They suffer the horrors of hunger, dejection, disease, exile and abandonment. And they die.
The mothers who stand in defense of their children to protect them from hatchets and knives, and now from bombs and shrapnel, also die. Mothers die protecting their children also from the combats and the assaults, from robberies and kidnappings, from taxes and unemployment.
Children die run over by drivers who rush at high speed trying to make more money.
Herod is the model of a life that soils and crushes the purest lilies, such as the children, who are born directly into our hands.
6. Virtue does not fold its wings
The children are born luminous, soft and true, like the lilies of the fields. They are born pure, fresh, unpolluted. They are born good, new and perfect . The Herods who corrupt everything await these children, their swords ready to strike.
They are contaminating the Earth, destroying the heart of Mother Earth. They are despoiling the waters of the brooks and springs, of the rivers and the seas. They are poisoning the wind and the clouds.
But do not think that all this will remain unpunished. Or that the legitimate yearning of men and women to defend the pure has been lost or killed. And because of this, the world, with its dominant model of greed, where the economy rules, must change.
This yearning will always be found in the human soul. The problems exist. But human consciences have not been drowned. Virtue neither folds its wings nor hides its head. And today as always, something has begun that will never be stopped nor quenched.
7. Our siblings
We must bring to account Herod, that is the prevailing system, in which everyone, starting with the financial capitalists, is desperately trying to make and get money and accumulate power.
What to do? There must be protests and proposals. From our vantage point, we would look to the Andean world, a world with genesis and hope, a world with love, sharing and tenderness.
A world with original values, honest, enthusiastic and courageous living. A world where the axes of human conduct are truth, honesty, joyful work and a holiday of the soul, elicited by ama sua, ama quella and ama llulla, where struggle, effort and sacrifice are not in vain; and whence the prairies can be cultivated again.
From this perspective, every day I am more convinced of the privilege and responsibility that comes from having been born in this land that is Peru. It moves me that there have been and we continue to raise more courageous and indestructible men and women, as consequent and authentic as those who inspire you and me, and many of our brothers and sisters, to create a new order.
Free translation from the Spanish sent
by Danilo Sanchez Lihon,
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