The Feminist connection and the low intensive wars
By Rosario Murillo
Feminism was meant to be a proposal of Justice. The distortion of feminism, the manipulation of its flags, the deformation of its contents, the disposition of its postulates for the Cause of Evil in the world is, unquestionably, an act of treason, treacherous and cruel, of the true interests, personal and collectives of women, who are replaced by stingy ambitions, and perverted political intentions.
Feminism, to the right and the left, has been manipulated and distorted to the extreme that from it’s flags, that which could have contributed to recover woman rights, it has promoted and continue to promote alarming feminist tendencies that pretend the extermination of women, mainly political adversaries, from traditional positions of the coarsest and recalcitrant patriarchal right.
False feminism, in any case, of false prophets and priestesses, does not do us justice. On the contrary, it looks for us and it persecutes, to set us on fire like august Court of Inquisition, only that today the bonfire is the media, as it corresponds to these post-modern times, of image, frivolity and entertainment. And in addition of invasion and cultural domination..
The feminism, that wanted to be the route of women rights, if it had postulated a human and inclusive feminism, degenerated until becoming another servant of the Empire, that it arranges his articulated Programs and “Perfect” Operations, of political chess, to discredit, to divide, and supposedly to win.
Inclusive feminism promotes Human Values. False feminism plays war drums against all the human values. It is an instrument of political and cultural infiltration and occupation. Undressed from its liberating mission, in Nicaragua, false feminism has marched in favor of social oppression, shoulder to shoulder with the capitalist phalanges, and with the most noticeable exponent, of a quarrelsome and brutal machismo.
False feminism serves the model of neo-colonization; it lives in perfect harmony with the imperial designs. It has a key roll in the strategy of wearing down the Revolutionary Projects. In the language of his wiser analysts, this are called “struggles for freedom and democracy”; “struggles against the dictatorships”, or white marches… For us is nothing new. We know it well, we suffered it and we have overcome it; it is call counterrevolution.
Evil designs its wars of low intensity, that today are essentially media, political, and of made up street images, before the lack of resonance or welcome, of the people victimized by its ominous campaigns. Their executors are the wealthy and self-centered oligarchy that thus they try to defend their economic interests and their malignant political model. They organized their sects, or “pacific” branches and call them “civil societies”; they create “neat”, “politically correct” movements, manipulating just causes; they march against “authoritarianisms” and “tyrannies” prefabricated in series, and cut with the same scissors and model. The Evil usurps flags, agglutinates chaste, it includes the resentful and the perverted, and it tries to break us, to shoot to kill, there where a Project of true Social Justice rises.
Around that hook of democracy is where false feminism is proclaimed and its well paid priestesses of cameras and paper. It is important to notice that some of these are of dark personal trajectory, and even a darker professional and political life. There are them, inclusively, here in Nicaragua, associated in brotherhood with the most tenebrous and frightful figures of the criminal Somocista Guard, and they are perfect representatives of that inner nature, and its external, bloodthirsty and brutal counterpart.
That false feminism, political usurper of fights and emblems, have turned into “cause” the mental disease, the frustration, and the maniac - myth and personal revenge, that stuffs pages and outstanding headlines, for which also have been abundant, throughout many years, the psychological, sociological and political explanations.
Entrenched in the recalcitrant and immoral right, the so call feminist in black, incited, conspired, created and took control of some schizophrenic pathology, to promote pornography and anti-values, that they have scatter around the world, doing the dirty work for the “chaste” of the right, and to its “puritan” imperial master.
Through their electronic tyrannies, the shameless agents, have unleash a political terrorism without precedents, against leaderships, honors, reputations, and against the most elementary human dignity of people and whole families. Their political calculation, protagonist eagerness, vindictive mentality of daughter-of-wealth, of the local oligarchy, their faithful service to the Imperial, European and North American Flags, have open doors and gates for them in all the scenarios where there is struggle between Good and the Evil, Revolution and Counter revolution, between Progress and Poverty, and between creative Peace and devastation.
In their insane eagerness of political destruction, and familiar disintegration, nothing can stop the enthusiastic of the oligarchies. They do not have scruples nor heart, to be moved by a small or adolescent girls who they assault and do violent, indeed in the name of their more and more fallacious “fights against the violence”. We remember that in each attacked family, there are fragile children girls and boys, innocents and who receive, without deserving it, incessant unloading of the stingiest ambition, cruelest envy, or the most primitive hatred.
This political and cultural, pro European and North American activism is disguised of “feminism”, dresses with woman clothes, but it does not know, it has never known, the sensitivity of the heart of a woman. Its language is visceral and vindictive, typical of egoism and narcissism, which characterizes deep Capitalism.
Their predatory and calculated cerebral activity, adds up joyfully, in their latest model laptops. Plus more and more payments in fix quotas for their service render to the cause of capitalism.
The anti-values front, lead by this so call feminism is a miserable manipulation of the rights of woman and has today, like part of its political tasks in the ideological and cultural, to lead a war of decomposition and “massive destruction”, of woman against woman. These are the typical maneuvers of distraction, or ideological diversification, as we called it, within the general logic of a dirty, media and perverse war, with evident intentions.
We are facing political prostitution, with the loud voice of a Macho man, and the hat of Uncle Sam. We are facing permanent provocation that in addition, takes advantage of its roll as political operators of “justice”, and uses the spaces that their rich relative open for them, to try to change the scale of cultural values, and to impose other people's social norms, estrange to our family oriented and communitarian coexistence.
They try to decide for us, how we must think, speak, live, love, to eat, sleep, work, to take a walk; they want to dictate our lives indeed, denying us, the right to speak and to life. To use intelligence and to have own thought is a crime, unless we take refuge in its dictations and laws; To live like women, with creativity, generosity and spirit of woman, not of man, nor of indefinite or unaccepted condition, is another crime…
They lash to the left as “chauvinistic, National Socialist, and Hitler followers”… but they joint the worse fascists to march proudly, next to demons with whips and spurs; they speak of democracy and they oozes sexist political intolerance and loutish. They demand freedom, but they clip liberties; They apostatize religions, of God himself, who they describe as “authoritarian” and “patriarchal”, and accuse, and they harass, like authoritarian and “patriarchal” goddesses, to those who live with faith.
They charge lots to their sponsors, for something that is natural to them; to reject God, to hate man, to make fun of other women, to despise the mothers and to threaten families. They calls this, indeed, to denounce abuse of “State denominational”, while they abuse those who do not share their trade, nor live on their benefits.
They proclaim abortion, without respect to the culture, and the collective spirit of the people. They criminally attack anyone who dares to unmask them as political agents of the rights, while they vindicate those to the right, as liberating modernity, and they condemn the lefts as oppressor archaism.
In that political-cultural war that they develop in the name of woman, they look to sell their stereotypes, as post-modernity politics, promoting their foreign culture, so distant from our idiosyncrasy. Their culture is a failed model, destructive of the world, that has undressed souls, and enthroned deep egoisms, solitudes and emptiness’s.
Champions of lies, they wants to sell us as an idea, the Model of adoration to the Gold Yearling calf. In that world that is in rule by consumption, and the ferocious competition, where the human being loses its natural bonds, and, mainly, its capacity to feel, to receive and to give affection.
In that world, perfect mirror of its deformations, humanity is reduced, decayed by the excess, the individualistic indulgence, and the squander… With that Model they already destroyed the Earth, and they have all of us, planet and species, on the way to extinction.
For that reason we say that their political values represent the Old Society, excluding, unjust and impoverishing, that the peoples are overthrowing. For that reason we are sure that their moral ideals also belong to that aged world, egomaniac, where lonely, selfish men and women, prefer to raise mascots, instead of children, and to depopulate, and to break the Earth harmony.
This is the scrap metal “feminism”, surrendered before the boots of the Empire . And it is, I said before, in the hands of women who don’t live like women, nor know, the individual or collective feminine soul. They ignore our daily battles; they are not meat, nor bone of woman; They do not have stable familiar or affective bows; they scorn those happy and blessed bonds of the unconditional affection, indispensable for the healthy human development.
They are the favorites of the “elegant” perfumed democracy, they are capable at mixing politics and sexism, like totalitarian and excluding judges, who only recognize their own models, their particular options of coexistence, their passion criteria, and their political predilections. Its voracity prevents them from observing that the majority of the women, recognized ourselves as women, that we want to live and built as woman, with the men, our companions, our children, our brothers of struggle, Community, nation, and world, a Humanity without hatred nor blasphemy.
In the revolutionary and progressive processes of Latin America, we as women have been conquering spaces of power. We have assumed our true demands of justice and fairness, working with the soul, with a political, economic and social practice that incorporates us in our cultural diversity, and in our essential freedom.
And that, indeed, is what irritates the despotic imperial guards. They do not admit that as women we can decide on constructive routes of woman, with consciousness inclusive, maternal instinct, and felt of family, companionship, and human brotherhood. They do not admit that men and women can possibly created a different future, and that we can work together, creating the indispensable difference between today and tomorrow.
They do not tolerate, that we have, and that we defend ours ways, values and customs, that is indeed, those that through history, have allowed Humanity, to love, to share, to multiply, dream and to work better for a better Society.
They call us Reactionary; they demonized us; they turn us into favorite target of their passion revenges, because we did not share their drift to the right, or their social indulgences.
The Empire and the right use their resentments and frustrations capably, to articulate them in networks and movements, very well paid, that serve the counter-revolutionaries interests . These poor women serve as suitable political instrument for those aims, because their emotional insanity, and their inexhaustible anxieties of fame, exposes them to become an ideological and cultural counter-revolutionary front. Which they scandalizes, generates social “shames”, and which they knows how to handle with some effectiveness, a mixture of moving against the culture with political positions, ideal for dividing, and mainly the tabloid media spectacle.
For that reason is obligatory to denounce them! Because it is a matter of life or death. Because it is one more battle, against the Model. Because in addition, to oppose and to defend our Values, against denaturalization, it is to defend a better world for Humanity.
They will march, They will march… Will continue using the pornography and the electronic terrorism to intimidate. But the certain thing is that its message does not pierce. The people clearly identifies it for what it is: politicized sexism, served in gold trays of the Empire. Because its hatred of sex and class. Because it is Hatred to Life. Because it is also against our culture, of personal and family destruction. Because it is a culture of destruction……I denounce them.
Nicaragua cannot return to the time of gladiators and crossfire. The assassins attack, but we are not going to traffic with peace, nor with the dignity of anybody. Nicaragua wants work and Peace. We are going to respond to this cultural occupation, politically. We denounced them from our values. We will face them as civilized persons, with prayers, faith, moral strength, with spiritual greatness… with culture!
We will pray for them. Love is stronger than Hate. We will pray for their personal satisfaction; We will ask so that they can move on from their frustration that suffocates and disturbs them, to mental peace; and we will ask so that the calm takes them to recognize the Good, and to incorporate it to their Lives.
We are not going to poison our heart. We don’t carry Lethal weapons. We are not made of evilness or resentment. We give goodness to get back goodness.
We ask to God that Love is pronounced in their Lives, and that his Power defeats Hate. From my heart, God, we requested this to you; Amen… Thus it is!
August 25th. 2008.